Present: Kevin, Lisa, Caleb, Carissa, Ruth, Walter, May, Kristin, Daryl. Regrets: Kirk, college students.
What's working:
Regular routines, the larger space, more kids coming, the snack/meal, having more helpers, coloured marks on hands for each group, mixed aged groupings, group leaders, using the foyer as well as the gym.
What's not working:
Kids running into the bathrooms, going up on the stage, playing with the mats, not always enough helpers for group leaders for each group, Dwight needs one on one.
- Have a designated supervisor for the stage area with a designated activity to be played there (ie. use the nets already stored there - for mini floor hockey).
- Use the point system to "catch them being good".
- Have preassigned areas for each of the adults/helpers.
- Use mats for assigned seating areas.
- Have a journalling option during snack time.
- Have more new songs/ song sheets with words
- Put the organization onto the blog - what's happening each week, who's assigned where
- Need more props for story time (ie. wicker basket) - looking for more suggestions - maybe a bathrobe?
- We need to be all on the same page and proactive
- Have reasonable consequences, a time out space and someone to work/talk 1:1 with anyone sent to timeout. (Time out could be the far couches outside the admin office? - who could be the designated adult to work with those sent there - Kirk?)
- Mats only to be used when taken down by adult/helper for specific activity and returned immediately afterwards.
- Respect taught directly - children being disrespectful need to go home.
6:00 - 6:40 Children arrive, are greeted, names on sign-in chart, play in gym
6:20 - 6:40 Older girls (9-11 years old) have special session just for them, taught by Lisa?
6:40 - 7:00 Singing in couch area, children either on couch or on mats, assigned seating
7:00 - 7:05 Split into groups - coloured marks on hands
7:05 - 7:17 1st rotation
7:17 - 7:29 2nd rotation
7:29 - 7:41 3rd rotation
7:41 - 7:53 Final rotation
7:53 - 8:00 Coats on, ready to go home, sign-out on clipboard
Rotations: Story, snack/journalling, games, craft or science - 12 min per rotation
- Will make up song sheets with old & new songs,
- Will purchase journals,
- Will update blog
- Will supervise doors & foyer during first gym time
- Will teach new songs during singing?
- Will organize the weekly plans - who does what
- Will e-mail May the info for updating blog
- Will purchase book for small group for pre-teen girls
- Will teach pre-teen girls (with Kristin)
- Will develop a star chart, reward system
- Will plan gym/activity time
- With Kevin will check on Dwight going to boxing program with Jonathon & Sarah
- Will teach pre-teen girls (with Lisa)
- When available will help with gym time
- Will help with gym time
- Will supervise stage?
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