Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Party in the summer

I'll update what's been happening since summer holidays have started.

We're holding The Party in the summer in the park at the corner of 7th and Pasqua. It's still on Tuesday nights from 6 through 8 pm. We've had pretty good weather every evening so far. The number of kids that come out is really variable however. We've had as many as about 25 or so, and as few as three or four. Last week we had about 15 at one time, but they sort of trickled away and we had about five at the end.

The program isn't as formal in the summer. We play games, and have a story, and sometimes a snack. We're primarily trying to build relationships.

This week, however is different. There's a group up from Texas to help us put on a VBS. It started this afternoon with a carnival at the park. It was a beautiful sunny day (I'm very red now). I thought it was really hot but the Texans assured us that it was beautiful weather.

We had around 50 kids out I think, as well as a number of parents. We'll have to see how many we can get out tomorrow for the first day of VBS.

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